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Roof Raider



Roof Raider is a first-person shooter parkour game taking place in a Middle-Eastern city. The player must go from one platform to the next clearing out all of the enemies in their way. Once all of the enemies have been taken down, the player must make it to the exfil point on the final platform.


This game project was created in my final year of my Level 3 Animation and Games course at college for my Final Major Project. I was given a three month timeframe to do some research for this game, plan and sketch the ideas, create textures and models then combine everything into one game project.


While working on the above designs, my primary software was Adobe Illustrator.


During the 2D design process, as the designs used primitive shapes, I have mainly utilised a variety of shape tools such as the 'Rectangle Tool', the 'Ellipse Tool' and then the 'Polygon Tool' for more geometrical usage of shapes.


For more variety of the designs, I would use LunaPic, an online photo editing website, to create certain colour and image effects such as the negative colour effect,


My intent was to create a variety of mosaic designs for any tiles included in the environment.

2D Designs

3D Models

For the 3D models, I have utilised the Blender 3D modelling software.


During the 3D modelling process, I have primarily worked on creating various types of buildings such as the mosque and the palace along with environment props such as the market stall and the stop sign.


To assist me with the modelling process, I have predominantly utilised tools such as the 'Array' and 'Boolean' Modifier Tools along with the 'UV Editing' and 'Shading' modes.


The 'Array' tool has helped me with duplicating certain parts of a model in a more organised manner. Examples including the balcony for a block of flats or bricks for certain buildings.


With the 'Boolean' tool, I have primarily used it for buildings. Using the 'Boolean' tool, I have added it onto the model of the building where a specifically shaped object would be used to make a hole of the same shape. Doing this method has been useful for creating windows and arches.


Blender's 'Shading' and 'UV Editing' modes were my main tools for applying textures and designs (shown in the '2D Designs' section of this page) that I have created onto the models.

Unreal Assets used:

  • Epic Games – Animation Starter Pack (Character animations)

  • kampinis – Bossy Enemy Animation Pack (Enemy meshes)

  • Deadghost Interactive – FPS Weapon Bundle (Player weapon)

  • Epic Games – Infinity Blade: Effects (Particle effects)

  • Sidearm Studios – Ultimate Warfare SFX Bundle (In-game sound effects)

  • Alan Dalcastagne da Cunha – User Interface Sounds – Volume One (User Interface sound effects)

  • DevSquad – FPSAssets (User Interface assets)
    Matt Aspland – Fighting Animations (Melee animations)

Programs used:

Blender logo.png
Adobe Illustrator logo.png
Unreal Engine 4/5
Adobe Illustrator
Preview icon.png
LunaPic logo (2).png
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